Friday, November 28, 2008


Reflection/Evaluation :

My partner and I finished everything. We completed our presentation to the grade 4E class and they liked our topic a lot and they enjoyed the brochure that we made. I really liked my topic a lot. It is easy and simple to understand. At first I didn’t know exactly what digital communication is, but after this project I have a lot of information about it. I could talk a lot about it, without even referring to my information. I investigated a lot about, and this investigation gave a lot of information. three sources of information that turned up very important in my research are :
[**** are the three most important sources of information. Two of them are articles and one of them explains our topic. They are important because they tell us about digital communication and how it is helpful and useful for people. (People use it for education, entertaining and many more stuff…….). My group was very accommodating through this project. We were all cooperative and supportive. We all contributed our work in the wiki and in the ning, So that we could share our information together. We send much information to each other and we talk about our topic. We helped each other and gave advices what to do. WE were all together. Each one of us gave information and we discussed it through the ning. There were some weakness in our group at first, nobody was contributing in the wiki, but when I told them that we must all discuss the topic they all started contributing. We all talked together and we distinguished ourselves in this process. It was really fun and enjoyable because you talk to people online ( u describe yourself for them , u add them as a friend and u talk to them ) and you discuss the topic with them . It is interesting to know people through the ning. Diigo bookmarks were helpful for me through this project, because I used them while I was investigation my topic. I put the links over there and that was a quick way to put and save my links, so it was helpful.
The Digiteen Action project was very interesting and appealing. We did two different things. We created a movie and we made a brochure for the primary students. Our movie took most of our time; we had to film many things Such as: cell phones, laptops, face book, msn and things that are related to the communication. After shooting it we edit our movie. Editing was kind of hard for me, because I didn’t know how to work on the Imac movie. It was difficult for me at the beginning. This was definitely one of my weaknesses. However, I was usually quite confident with meeting the deadlines and stuck to my plan as often as I could. If I was to do this over again, I would definitely plan my work out better. I would make a strict schedule and stick to it, therefore using my time much more wisely. Hopefully this way I would ensure to get my work done on time and keep up with everything at once. Other then that, I was very pleased with the final outcome of our presentation, and felt that I had done a lot of work towards it. Then we created our own brochure. It was very nice from the outside. I used many decorations and colorful pictures. I tried to keep it easy and simple for the 4E class. Our target audience for this project was the 4E class we chose them because they need to be acquainted with how to approach digital communication, how to use it correctly, and how to have fun with it (so that it is not as confusing in the future!) . Also because they can be introduced to some pieces of technology that can be shared with others, which will assist them inside and outside school.

Our team was effective in the action project because we accomplished what we intended to do. We made the movie, the brochure, we practiced it when we finished and we presented our work for the 4E class, and the 4E class enjoyed our topic a lot and they started discussing it with us and this was our target and we did it. We could improve it by making a PowerPoint for the students, so that they could understand more about the topic or maybe we had to increase our movie and add more information. We could improve it also by making the information much easier for the primary students because when they were watching our movie, they didn’t understand some of the words. Creating a movie about the topic we did is something that other schools should consider in their digital citizenship program, because when you make a movie about the topic this shows that you understood the topic and you could explain it to others. Creating a video is a good thing and most of my class made a movie about their topic.
Digital citizenship is something that should be discussed with children in the school because it will help in their lives. They must understand and know the nine different elements, because they must know how to behave appropriately and responsibly with regard to technology use. The Nine elements have been identified that together to make up digital citizenship. I think that the teenagers should learn about this because they are the ones who are using the technology the most and especially the internet. They must know how to behave and respond with regard to technology. I think that Digital communication and Digital Health and Wellness are the most important topics because the teenagers must now how to communicate together ( for ex: they must put appropriate pictures and information , not bad things ) and they must know how to use it or they will harm themselves ( for ex: do not sit too close in front of the computer and stuff like that ). In this project I learnt a lot of things. I learnt a lot from the ning. I have lots of friends from this topic. This project allows you to communicate with different people (people U don’t know) , and this is something very important , because you have to shares ideas , draw conclusions and work together as a group and because of this I liked the project a lot . I learnt how to use the Imovie and how to edit it. I believe that I worked really hard on the project from the very beginning. I believe that I met the deadlines whenever we were given them, and was usually on task in the classroom. I also worked hard at home to insure that everything was perfect, and the wikispace really helped me create an easy connection between my school work, as well as what I did at home. I worked very hard throughout the entire project, and it was all worth it in the end. It was a valuable project and I would certainly recommend using it with future classes because I relished it so much.

timeline: ( Plan)

This is a timeline:
What we have to do

We must plan our video: what information to put inside, pictures and music.
Date (How many lessons?)

We need two lessons to shoot our video. When we shoot the video it takes a lot of time and effort to do that, so we need two lessons.

What are the information: definition of digital communication, describe and explain it. Examples of digital communication (pictures : cell phones, laptops…) and how to communicate with others and where and when

We need one lesson for this, because we only have to write our information. It doesn’t need a lot of time to do that

We must edit our movie (by adding more information, pictures and music). We must create a brochure for the students. We must use easy and simple language for the student. In the brochure we will add some pictures and information. I will try to keep it easy for them so that they could understand the topic. I will add some colors and pictures, so they could enjoy while reading.

We need two or three lesson to do that, because two days for editing. Editing needs a lot of time and one lesson for making the brochure.

Practice our presentation in class, so that we are ready to present the next day. Maybe after presenting our video to the class, we will show them some information on utube. This information really connects with out topic. ( Digital communication)

We need one lesson to practice .It is easy to do it. We just go over our work. We check our work again.

Present to the 4E class (Primary student): give out the brochures, show them our video, discuss it with them and ask questions for them. At last they must have understood our topic.

We need one lesson to do that. At last we did our job and write an evaluation about this project.

investigation: Digital communication

I.T Project
Digital citizenship :

(Investigate, design, plan, create and evaluation)

Digital citizenship can be described as knowing how to behave appropriately and responsibly with regard to technology use. Nine elements have been identified that together make up digital citizenship. These are: Digital Etiquette , digital communication, Digital Law , Digital Rights and Responsibilities, Digital Health and Wellness and Digital Security, Digital access, digital commerce and digital literacy. My group and I chose the digital communication for this project, because we consider that communication is one of the easiest elements to understand and find information about it. It’s important for us because many people wouldn't be able to converse easily, especially globally. For example, the majority of people living in Qatar are not nationals. If we don’t have digital tools (mobiles, telephones, laptops…) to use we couldn’t be able to communicate together. But, when we use these types of tools we could be able to communicate easily with our friends and family and our relatives.

Definition and background material:

Digital communication is the electronic exchange of information, via e-mail, cell phones, video conferencing, instant messaging, text messaging, bogs, and wikis. The 21st century offers us a variety of new technology allowing us to stay in constant communication. (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging). The increasing digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else. Now everyone is afforded the opportunity to access information anywhere and anytime.
Regrettably, a lot of administrators, teachers, and students have not been qualified how to make suitable decisions when faced so many different digital communication options.
Research & Background Material: A simple way to understand What digital communication is: digital communication includes anything involving e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging, and more! Here are some listed resources, and a basic definition of what can be found on these pages, showing examples of these types of digital communication. Here is some good and helpful website about digital communications: this article they are using one of the digital communications which is digital cable television. They are using the advantages of digital communication. This article is great because it tells us how digital communication has been used through the world. In this article the digital cable television is one of the solution that has been selected b y Nexhorizon communications.**this article applies more to people my age (teenagers). It describes the use of cell phones between teenagers, and how it affects their social standing. It shows us that when a group of teenagers get together, they are more likely to be talking on their cell phones then with each other This article is based about digital communication as a whole; particularly the internet. It discusses the importance of internet in modern day communication, as well what is appropriate on the internet and what should be censored.

My group and I are planning to present our topic to grade 4E class in the primary, so that they could benefit from our topic:
· They need to be acquainted with how to approach digital communication, how to use it correctly, and how to have fun with it (so that it is not as confusing in the future!)

· They can be introduced to some pieces of technology that can be shared with others, which will assist them inside and outside school.
At last my group and I we know what to do exactly in this project and we are working together so that we could use our time wisely. We planned our work and we understood our topic from our investigation and, I am contributing to my wiki and ning all the time, because our teacher told us that we must contribute to them as we are working. Now we have to plan our design cycle and discuss what we are going to present to the class. When we work together, use our time wisely, and listen to the teacher instructions we could all know what to do. This project is fun!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

create ( our work )

Our vedio that we made during the i.t lesson :
we did two things : we created a vedio about our topic and we made a brouchure , so that the students could understand our vedio.

After we finished from our video we made a brochure, so that the 4E class could understand the topic more. I used simple language and I made some colorful decorations for them, so that they could enjoy it. I took some screen shots of my brochure.
i took some screen shots of my brouchure, blog ,wiki and ning : these screeenshots are in my ning :
but maybe it will take some time to upload all my screenshots

Monday, November 3, 2008

Design ( Story board ) :

We are going to attempt to address our new problem statement by explaining the things we are going to do in our movie. We will make a movie and create a brochure for the students. We gathered a lot of information from our investigation, so we know all the information we need. We just need to plan our work. I have to learn some skills such as the imovie because when we finish from shooting our movie we must edit it, so I must learn how to work on it. I will learn it by practicing on it. (Know how to put music, edit writing and stuff like that ….) We know that our solution for this problem statement will work because we will not only present our video, instead we will make some brochures for the students so that they could understand our topic more. (We will ask some questions for them and we will discuss it with them) and by this way our solution will work easily and the primary students will understand our topic easily without any difficulties.

Story board: (this will show how our final lesson will look like)

Topic: communication

Amna: will take some shots of pictures (pictures that relate with some different types of communication) examples: telephones, mobile, laptops and many more stuff

Layan: will be participating in the video ( I will be holding the types of communication)

Our video will be about 2- 3 minutes (we will not speak thorough the video, because our aim is to show the audience the types of communication that the adults and high school students use). We will add some information, pictures about the types of communication and music, so that it will be more fascinating and attractive to the primary students .

plan our vedio

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tuesday. october 14

today i will continue researching about my topic .

here are some good and helpful website about digital communications :

in this article they are using one of the digital communication which is digital cable
television .
they are using the advantages of digital communication. This article is great because it tells us how digital communication has been used through the world .

In this article the digital cable television is one of the solution that has been selected b y Nexhorizon communications.

so this

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

website aboutdigital security

Digital security

i found this website ; ( news) it tells us how the digital security had helped them .

this is a big issue in some banks . there are lots of criminal .they walk in to the banks and steal things , but digital security had helped them find the criminal . ( advantage )

most of the banks are now using digital security . this is a big issue

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Digital citizenship

Digital citizenship can be described as knowing how to behave appropriately and responsibly with regard to technology use.Nine elements have been identified that together make up digital citizenship. These are:

Digital Access
Digital Commerce:
Digital Communication:
Digital Literacy:
Digital Etiquette:
Digital Law
Digital Rights and Responsibilities:
Digital Health and Wellness:
Digital Security:

Each one of them plays an important role in the Digital Citizenship. Each one has its own purpose.

Digital Citizenship is very important. It is very helpful . It helps the teachers and technology leaders comprehend what students ought to be acquainted with the use of technology correctly.

I must care about digital Citizenship becasue it is like a teaching tool; it is a way to set up students for a society full of knowledge.

There are many students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology.

Digital citizenship will teach me how to use technology more appropriately

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

writing my opinion on the videos that i watched

Please write and blog about your impressions of the Frontline documentary Growing Up Online.
Please write a paragraph for each segment of the video:

Yesterday I saw several movies, one of them were the cberbulling and the Self expressions, trying on new identities. In my opinion the internet has been used in a bad way. Some students are using the internet for putting bad pictures of them, which will make them have a bad reputation. They are not using it in a good way. Internet must be used for researches and for doing the good work. Most of the people in the world are using face book and my just for meeting each other on the internet and send bad things to each other. The movie about the self expressions trying on new identities is one the most one I disliked. Autumn Endows was the girl who started by putting bad pictures on the internet. Everybody was talking about her and sending her bad things. She also changed her physical appearance in order to picture herself. She dressed unpleasant clothes so that she could grab people's attention. Her parents didn't know what was going on. Her parents must look after her and to prevent her from doing this.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

things important to me ( kia and layan )

if u want to find some information on websites:

go to these

Green party

green peace

Monday, February 11, 2008

D.T Design technology

1st Class :
Monday, febuary 11
The task for today is to reasherch bottle rokcets .
if i need to know more information i must go to my coputer/ teacher student file/ D.T/ MR. Elder/ grade8/Ready for lunch .
We will be creating a rocket . Our teacher opened the project for us and showed us the instructions .

Our task today was to resaerch three different propellents that are used in rokets . we aslo had to reasearch parachutes which are the recovers systems for rokets. We must research a lot more like release systems , checklists, countdowns ,and anything that is related for rokets, including thethe material used for rokets. the most important factor was how to keep safe during the making of the roket .

After reaserching we had to list the sources we used ( BIBLIGRAPHY )



Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Final Evaluation

layan al baz
grade ; 8c

In my portfolio there are some weaknesses and some strengths. My weakness in my portfolio is that I must add slight information on my two artifacts. I must also add another artifact, so that the portfolio would be better and because I could get higher grades. I must include more information about my self, so that the reader gets better information about me.
My strengths in my digital portfolio it that I have created new designs and imported some pictures, so that the portfolio will look attractive and nice-looking. I used different types of colors throughout the digital portfolio so that my digital portfolio would be eye-catching and gorgeous. I also added a picture at the top of my wiki which made it look cool. I changed some of my designs because I thought that inserting a lot of designs in my digital portfolio would be complicated and it will not look pretty, so I decided to reduce some of my designs. I also changed the colors of my digital portfolio because they were tedious and dull. I wanted them to be bright and colorful. All of these were my biggest and strongest strengths in my digital portfolio.
There were some strengths and weaknesses in my performance during this unit. My biggest strength in this unit is my blogger. This blogger helped me a lot through this unit. Everything I did through this unit was in my blog. I wrote reflections, evaluations and comments in the blog. This blog will help me a lot in the future and after, because I could refer back to it anytime and I could look at the work I did throughout this unit. This blog helped me keeping records of my information. I have really put a lot of time and effort in this blogger. My weakness through this uint is my “movie about me”. I didn’t really focus on it, because of my friends. When I asked them to video me, they were not paying attention and not focusing on me while I was talking in the video. So the video was mixed up a little. Also because I continued working on my digital portfolio and I postponed the movie till further time. I could change it working and focusing more on my video or I could shoot the movie again by asking one of my friends. This unit aligns with the area of interaction “Homo Faber” because it took our inventiveness and ingenuity from our minds by creating our own digital portfolio. It made us select our layouts, designs, contents, chose different colors and many more things to select. I have created this digital portfolio so that the readers could get more information about and know me better. I also created this digital portfolio so that I could record my information and also because it is a good way for me to present my work easily instead of writing it on the papers and documents.
This digital portfolio has a harsh impact on my friends and family because it is more beneficial to have an online portfolio, so our friends and family could read our information easily without any difficulties and it is more enhanced to read information on the online, instead of papers.
This unit is the is the most beneficial unit I had ever gone through because it taught it me a lot of vital information I had never knew before. I would like to thank the teacher a lot, because she really helped me a lot through this unit.

Monday, January 28, 2008

peer review

Your digital portfolio is wonderful . it has a great content . Useful information . i liked the colors u used (they were wonderful ). I looked on your english page . it is great . u gave great examples . i really see that u worked alot on it . the only thing is that i didn't find your movie ( video about me ) . Your navigation works graetly . i went on our i.t subject that is the most amazing thing . You used deffernt designs and different colors . Your content is nice and neat . but some of the subjects were under consrtuction , u must write more in some subjects . your desings are really cute . You used you imagination wisely . You wrote alot in ( all about me ) . You described everything happened with u when u where small and big . u also wrote dates . Great job Karass . i liked your digital portfolio . it is beautiful and ausume .

You have three artifact and reflection . In general your digital portfoilo is great and wonderful . From the whole thing i could say that u worked hardly and wisely through this digital porfolio .

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Name: Layan al baz
Grade: 8c
Date: January 14

1st paragraph:

My reflection is on my humanities PowerPoint that I did before the holiday and after the holiday. Our humanities teacher told us that we must chose a country from his box. My country was about the U.A.E, my favorite place. I was very happy to get this country because in the summer holidays we go over there a lot, and because I know a lot of information about it. I had to reach on the internet for some information. It is an individual work. We had to write about the country’s climate, economy, government, history and many more. It took me two days on the internet to find the appropriate information. We had to use the humanities template or any template we want, but I prefer the humanities template because it is more prearranged and the information well be developed in a good way. For each slide, I added two or one pictures with some colorful backgrounds, so we could explain the information we are writing. This project was really interesting and entertaining for me. I was so pleased because I knew that country I am writing about.

2nd paragraph:

This humanities work is significant because it inspires students to research information on different countries, by that the student will be able to know the country better and he will be able to know more in formations about the country he or she is searching about, it makes the students discover and learn new places. It is also significant because I got a high grade on it and I was very pleased with that. This humanities PowerPoint was developmental for me because it helped me reach a new level in the subject.

3rd paragraph:

This project improved me a lot because now I knew more information about the country I researched and because I discovered new places. This work has improved me as learner in the MYP because it taught to reasaerch more on the internet and becasue I discovered different countries and I knwed different information. It helped me organize my time and work efficiently. I will preserve this PowerPoint in my usp so if I had to research on the same country, I will have the all the information I need , So I don’t have to research again . I will use this PowerPoint for other classes if I had the same project for example in French. If the teacher tells us to write about our favorite country I will use the country I wrote about in the PowerPoint, so it will help a lot.