Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Digital citizenship

Digital citizenship can be described as knowing how to behave appropriately and responsibly with regard to technology use.Nine elements have been identified that together make up digital citizenship. These are:

Digital Access
Digital Commerce:
Digital Communication:
Digital Literacy:
Digital Etiquette:
Digital Law
Digital Rights and Responsibilities:
Digital Health and Wellness:
Digital Security:

Each one of them plays an important role in the Digital Citizenship. Each one has its own purpose.

Digital Citizenship is very important. It is very helpful . It helps the teachers and technology leaders comprehend what students ought to be acquainted with the use of technology correctly.

I must care about digital Citizenship becasue it is like a teaching tool; it is a way to set up students for a society full of knowledge.

There are many students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology.

Digital citizenship will teach me how to use technology more appropriately

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

writing my opinion on the videos that i watched

Please write and blog about your impressions of the Frontline documentary Growing Up Online.
Please write a paragraph for each segment of the video:

Yesterday I saw several movies, one of them were the cberbulling and the Self expressions, trying on new identities. In my opinion the internet has been used in a bad way. Some students are using the internet for putting bad pictures of them, which will make them have a bad reputation. They are not using it in a good way. Internet must be used for researches and for doing the good work. Most of the people in the world are using face book and my just for meeting each other on the internet and send bad things to each other. The movie about the self expressions trying on new identities is one the most one I disliked. Autumn Endows was the girl who started by putting bad pictures on the internet. Everybody was talking about her and sending her bad things. She also changed her physical appearance in order to picture herself. She dressed unpleasant clothes so that she could grab people's attention. Her parents didn't know what was going on. Her parents must look after her and to prevent her from doing this.