Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The three important features in a digital portfolio are that:
A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of a student's personal self and a student's achievement.
Portfolios may demonstrate a wide range of student work and it also allows teachers and parents to share a real display of a student's performance without interpretation of test scores.
Portfolios provide a natural medium for teacher-pupil discussions and the customization of individual learning experiences and goals

One advantage and one disadvantage of a digital portfolio:

Advantage: Portfolios in digital format can be easily and inexpensively reproduced therefore materials can be made available to a wider audience e.g., burning onto CD-ROM. Portability: Easier to transport than hard copy versions.

Disadvantage: The creation of digital portfolios requires advanced knowledge and skills and sometimes expensive, high-tech equipment. Viewing a digital portfolio sometimes requires special software as well as additional knowledge and skills on the part of the viewer.

This is a student digital portfolio that I had chosen
International School Dhaka

The strengths of this portfolio are that it contains a lot of good information about his school. It is very neat and organized and it is also well-planned. He named all the students in his grade which something good.

The weakness of this portfolio is that he didn’t put any pictures about himself or his friends he only named them, there weren’t a lot of designs and he didn’t told us what subjects he was involved in for example( math ,science….) and he also didn’t show us his work or his activities that he was involved in .

MY Comments:
In order to gain high marks he must be more creative for (ex: more designs, more pictures…) as well as he must tells us more about himself and his activities during his lessons or subjects in his school.

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